


Saturday, 23 November 2013

The First Snow

20 November 2013 night. One of my fiends posted some status in facebook. He said that it is snowing. I immediately looked out the window and noticed those tiny white flakes falling from the sky.Yes, it's snowing for the first time in Nancy, which means that the autumn has gone and winter has officially come. The time has come to put on your fluffy slippers, your big warm blanket, and curl up in your bed with some hot chocolate mug in one hand and bed-time story in other hand.

Well, you know, I grew up in a tropical country so I didn't casually view this kind of scene. And while I was so mesmerized by this miracle, I was honestly thinking that there are only few other things more magical then looking out the window from your room and discovering those first flurries gently falling to the ground and slowly covering up the whole landscape.

On the next morning, I leaved my apartment in a rush and there I saw something has changed and I hardly recognized the semblance in front of me. The ground was so bright and white like a giant bucket of rice was spilled on the ground! I was running in a hurry because I was late for the class and more importantly I haven't finished my slides for the presentation. But sadly, no matter how hard I tried to walk fast, it was still kind of hard to walk on the top of the glace without wearing proper shoes. I almost fell few times because I was half running and the pathway was total slippery.

Frankly speaking, during the class that day I could not turn my eyes from the window. I kept looking on these incredibly beautiful snowfalls. Even though I always hate a cold weather, after that day, I'm thinking that maybe, just maybe, winter would not be that bad, in fact winter would be pretty nice after all!

The snow falls during the night

With teachers and classmates in front of AIPL building  

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